Friday, October 27, 2023

Sept 20, 2023 - Explore a Château in the Loire Valley

On the way to visit the Chateau De Villandry, we had a delightful lunch. Then we travelled to visit the remarkable gardens at Château de Villandry. It is the most amazing garden we have ever seen. It consists of 6 gardens, namely the Ornamental Garden, the Water Garden, the Sun Garden, the Maze, the Herb Garden, and the Ornamental Kitchen Garden. There is also a chateau where one can climb on top to view these beautiful gardens. We had many Kodak moments in this amazing garden. 

Then we drove to Château de Beauvois to stay overnight. It is a 4-star castle hotel with superb views of the outdoor terraces and French gardens. It also has a gourmet French restaurant Le Louis 13. After we arrived, everyone went outside for Kodak moments and we had a wonderful dinner at Le Louis 13.

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