Friday, October 27, 2023

Sept 19, 2023 - Discover Scenic Dordogne

In the morning we traveled to Saint-Emilion. The local guide took us to wandering around this UNESCO World Heritage Site. This picturesque town has been an economic and religious center attracting royals, winegrowers, and pilgrims. Every square in the small village center is packed with history and incredible architecture. Thousands of hectares of vines surround the medieval village, making the landscape an unforgettable scenery. 

We visited Elise Monolithe de Saint-Emilioon which was built by Benedictine monks between the 11th and 12th centuries. It has a maze of tunnels that include vast catacombs. The bell tower sits 53m above the town and offers fantastic views over the area.

Then we had a tour of Chateau Champion in Saint-Christophe-des-Bardes.  The owner of the chateau was the same person who guided us around the town in the morning. She gave us a tour of her vineyard, cellar, and winery. She also hosted a tasteful lunch with local produces and her own wine. It was an enjoyable event.

Then we drove back to Bordeaux and had free time to explore the city ourselves.   We visited Basilique Saint-Seurin, Place des Quinconces, and Pl. de la Bourse.

In the afternoon we made a online dinner reservation for Restaurant Melodie and wanted to try it for dinner again. We got some text for confirming our reservation in French, and of course we did not understand it. So we got there again at 7pm and showed them the text message. Unfortunately, the French message was a “not available” message. However, the waitress was very nice to offer us a table outside if we could use it at 7pm. We did and, as a matter of fact, we preferred the outside seating. We had a wonderful dinner in a nice French style outside seating dinner.

Then we walked by the Grosse Cloche de Bordeaux and St Andre Cathedral on our way back to hotel. It was closed already, so we just took some photos and admired this wonderful cathedral under evening lighting. We also went back to take some night scenes of reflecting photos.

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