Friday, October 27, 2023

Sept 12, 2023 - Arrive to Paris

When we arrived at Paris, we did have some issues finding the Trafalgar agents at the airport meeting point as described by Trafalgar. The issue was that they don’t have any uniform or clear identification sign to indicate that they were the Trafalgar agents. It took us some texting with tour director to finally find them. Traveling and checking to hotel were uneventful. The tour director set up a communication link via WhatsApp, and we were able to find out all the details for the first day. There was a welcome dinner tonight.  

After 3 1/2 months of drought in Houston, we ran into rain on the 1st day we were in Paris.  We had to use umbrella on our way to dinner at Bistro Des Champs on Avenue des Champs-Elysees.  

After the dinner we had an opportunity to take a photo on Avene de Chaps-Elysees in front of the Arc de Triomphe. They also drove us around to see the Eiffel Tower and area around the District 16 and 17, which are the better and safer districts in Paris. 

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